Friday, May 29, 2020

Weekly Digest: May 29, 2020

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Hot off the Digital Press

How to Create Systems as a Music Entrepreneur

Every music entrepreneur needs to create systems. The only problem? It can feel like boring, uncreative work! This video helps you make a shift in your mindset and take it from a different perspective. That ought to produce a breakthrough in your system creation process.
Everyone assumes their mistakes are their low points, their blooper reels. That isn’t always the case. There are countless historical examples of people who invented amazing things by “mistake.” Your genius as an artist or entrepreneur might just be in the mistakes you make.
Only the best music business newsletter to come along in a while. Yeah, you heard right – a newsletter. This no B.S., no fluff newsletter will help you cut through the noise and get the inspiration you need every single week to move forward in your music career. This hype video might help sell you on it, too.
This week’s installment of The New Music Industry Podcast features an interview with Stefan Schulz of Bitfury Surround. “There’s more content than ever,” said Schulz. “And that means there should be more engagement than ever. But the numbers don’t match up.” A showstopping idea.
You can support the ongoing creation of great podcast content at The New Music Industry Podcast Patreon.
Bandsintown LIVE rolled out forthcoming events for next week. Check out this post to find out when artists like Liz Longley, Olivia Lunny, Varun, Karen Harding, ATISH and others are performing.
This would be another rant via Music Entrepreneur HQ founder and CEO David Andrew Wiebe. We happen to think he’s on the right track and is doing everything right. But social media, as sexy as it might be, doesn’t always represent the “answer.”
Another blast from the past. This post via Music Entrepreneur HQ explains how musicians can use LinkedIn to promote their music.
Interestingly enough, the number of ways a musician could use LinkedIn has only increased since this post was originally published.

Here’s What You Missed in This Week’s Music Career Tips Weekly

I’m here to tell you that this is categorically wrong. Because if you honestly believed that, you probably wouldn’t be reading this newsletter, and as so many of you have attested, it might be the best thing since bacon.
Don’t miss out on Music Career Tips Weekly EVER again. Click HERE to sign up for free.

Quotable from The Music Entrepreneur Code

Some seem opposed to utilizing any part of the system, but I think that’s baloney. Even as a music entrepreneur, you are never completely outside of the system. You can’t build your business by separating yourself from it. It’s just that you’re not 100% dependent on it.

The Music Entrepreneur Code Bundle (featuring two bonuses) is currently available at a heavily discounted rate. Don’t miss out on this offer.

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No more lengthy articles. No more exhausting podcast interviews. No more rambling talking head videos. Just quick tips, short reviews, special offers and links to helpful resources.

How to Use LinkedIn to Market Your Music

This post originally appeared on Music Entrepreneur HQ.

Look, I know what you're thinking.

“You can’t use LinkedIn to market your music."

I beg to differ, and in this blog post I intend to show you why.

A Brief Introduction to LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a professional social networking platform where you can connect with people you know, share your real-world job experience and seek out new opportunities.

As such, excessive self-promotion would be seen as distasteful. All interactions on LinkedIn should be done tactfully and professionally. But that doesn’t mean you can’t leverage the platform to get yourself out there.

Post Updates

Much like any other social platform, you can share updates with your connections on LinkedIn. From what I’ve seen, it’s fairly common practice to share articles and blog posts.

Well that makes things easy, doesn’t it? You’re in the music industry, so you can share your music related content on LinkedIn. You can post your own blog posts or share other things you find interesting. You can develop a rapport with your connections and demonstrate expertise and an understanding of your field.

Use a Sharebar

As I already pointed out, it’s possible to share updates on LinkedIn much the same way you would on Facebook or Google+. As such, it may be prudent to allow your users to share the content on your website using a sharebar or LinkedIn icon.

I’m not going to suggest that this strategy will work for everyone. If your blog posts don’t contain relevant information, there may be no point in having your visitors share your posts on LinkedIn.
If, on the other hand, your content is rich, detailed, entertaining, engaging, informative or practical, this method could work quite well for you.

Cross-Post Email Campaigns

I don’t know about other email marketing platforms, but if you’re using iContact like I am, it is possible to share your newsletters with your LinkedIn connections.

This is awesome because you might be able to reach people who aren’t already subscribed to your newsletter (they might even take interest in it too).

Join or Start a Group

I haven’t invested too heavily into groups, but from what I understand, it is possible to post updates to groups as well. So basically, if you’re already sharing content with your connections, you can take the same things (including email newsletters) and share them with a group as well.

The best approach, at least based on what I’ve heard, is to pose questions. When you’re posting updates to groups, ask for feedback, opinions and varying viewpoints.

There are already many music groups on LinkedIn, not to mention other groups built around things that you’re probably interested in. You can also start your own group if you feel the need.

Of course, you’ll want to observe any conduct guidelines groups provide you with. Spamming is inappropriate on any social platform, but particularly so on a professional networking tool like LinkedIn. Bear that in mind and you should do just fine.


One of the realities of LinkedIn is that it does not have the same user base as Facebook. It is considerably smaller. You may find that only a third or so of your Facebook friends are on LinkedIn.
This is a good reminder, because, we could all benefit from meeting more people and networking on a consistent basis. If you want to increase your connections, be intentional about meeting more people and building friendships.

After all, it’s not about what you know, it’s about whom you know. And who you know may be able to connect you to the people or the opportunities you’ve been seeking out.

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Will a Large Social Media Following Save Your Music Career?

Many musicians have asked themselves if growing a large social media following is the solution to their various woes, whether it’s getting more sales or streams, selling merch increasing concert attendance or otherwise. This video via Music Entrepreneur HQ founder and CEO David Andrew Wiebe might offer some clues as to whether it’s worth putting all your eggs in one basket.

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083 – From Dark Clouds to Silver Linings: A Personal Journey of Transformation

Have you ever felt stuck in a situation that seemed impossible to escape? Do you sometimes wonder if personal development programs are worth...