What are your goals for social media in 2024? Are you thinking about phasing it out of your life? Or would you like to experience explosive growth as never before? Isn’t it time you got the kind of growth you truly deserve? If you’re ready for a change, listen carefully to this special message from David Andrew Wiebe. Download the PDF Transcript Sponsors: Catapult: If you’re ready to build a community of rabid fans who will happily hire you and buy everything you have to offer, this program is for you! Use the code “Creativity Excitement Emotion” to let Amos know I sent you his way, and he’ll give you a 10% DISCOUNT! Highlights: 00:17 – A special message from David Andrew Wiebe Transcript: Imagine this: You’ve just set up a brand-new Facebook group. You show up for a couple of hours per day to have conversations with your tribe. Your people. You do it consistently for a month or two, and before you know it… BOOM! Your group is growing CRAZY. Now, you might
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