Wednesday, March 27, 2024

045 – The Vehicle That Gets You There

You may begin your journey thinking to yourself, “This the band that’s going to make it!” But as with so many other things in life, the vehicle you started with may not be the one that gets you to where you want to go (and of course, this can be LITERALLY and FIGURATIVELY true!). In this episode of Creativity Excitement Emotion, David expands on the importance of persistence and iteration. Download the PDF Transcript Sponsors: Productivity, Performance & Profits Blackbook: Get a free copy of the “Definitive Guide to Productivity for Artists and Entrepreneurs.” Highlights: 00:17 – The vehicle you started with may not be the vehicle that gets you there 01:18 – There’s nothing wrong with the dream 01:53 – Be flexible 02:27 – David’s experience 03:18 – The power of iteration Transcript: I think I\'ve written and even spoken on this before, but it hit me today in a new way. And that is that the vehicle that you started with may not be the vehicle that gets you th

046 – Cutting the Subscription Bloat

Spending can easily get out of control, even if it is spending on seemingly helpful, worthwhile tools and resources. Sometimes it’s necessary to cut back. In this episode of Creativity Excitement Emotion, David shares how cutting your subscription bloat can free up energy. Download the PDF Transcript Sponsors: Productivity, Performance & Profits Blackbook: Get a free copy of the “Definitive Guide to Productivity for Artists and Entrepreneurs.” Highlights: 00:17 – Cutting costs is often a necessary aspect of business 00:38 – When pride gets in the way 01:12 – Successful entrepreneurs are willing to cut expenses if necessary 01:38 – A time to reevaluate 02:07 – Giving up pride 02:47 – Cutting costs will free up energy 03:34 – A helpful app 04:02 – Get good at managing your finances Transcript: Entrepreneurs sometimes must cut costs. If this weren\'t true… Just look at the big businesses out there that sometimes lay off employees in droves. Sometimes for a busi

048 – “You Have to Leave”

Things don’t always work out with significant others, landlords, partners, investors, bandmates, or otherwise. It can be devastating, and figuring out your next move can be tough. In this episode of Creativity Excitement Emotion, David vulnerably shares about a rental situation gone wrong. Download the PDF Transcript Sponsors: Productivity, Performance & Profits Blackbook: Get a free copy of the “Definitive Guide to Productivity for Artists and Entrepreneurs.” Highlights: 00:17 – Raw emotions 01:00 – “You’ve got two weeks” 01:28 – Trying to find a place in Vancouver 02:38 – Taking responsibility for the role you played in dysfunction 03:40 – Somehow, it will all work out Transcript: All right, so I\'m going to talk about this while my emotions are still raw. And this is not something I used to do, but I think nowadays I\'m realizing it\'s okay to complain. It\'s okay to react to life. It\'s okay to vent and rant sometimes. Assuming you come back to that place of

050 – The Golden Rule & Throwing Pearls to Swine

Life is unfortunately full of unequal exchanges. You give more than you get. Or you get more than you give. Over the long haul, these types of exchanges always tend to balance out. But the process the universe uses to balance things can occur as chaotic. In this episode of Creativity Excitement Emotion, David shares his experience with unequal exchanges. Download the PDF Transcript Sponsors: Productivity, Performance & Profits Blackbook: Get a free copy of the “Definitive Guide to Productivity for Artists and Entrepreneurs.” Highlights: 00:17 – Treat others as you would like to be treated 01:36 – Enduring hell 02:46 – You can control what you say, not what others feel Transcript: The golden rule is “Treat others as you would like to be treated.” So, for as long as I can remember, I\'ve always treated others with kindness and respect and understanding and given them plenty of space. Even if they get angry, even if they\'re weird people, they\'d usually get a second and m

052 – You’re More Resilient Than You Know

What are you putting up with? Health challenges? Financial problems? Relationship issues? The fact that you’re putting up with anything goes to show how resilient you truly are. But are you wasting your precious resiliency on people and things that don’t matter? In this episode of Creativity Excitement Emotion, David why it’s important to be willing to change. Download the PDF Transcript Sponsors: Productivity, Performance & Profits Blackbook: Get a free copy of the “Definitive Guide to Productivity for Artists and Entrepreneurs.” Highlights: 00:17 – People are better at coping and dealing with things than they realize 01:30 – You are more resilient than you realize 01:52 – You can’t change anything you’re willing to put up with 02:34 – What are you putting up with? 03:09 – Make a new commitment 03:45 – What have you been tolerating? Transcript: The human ability to cope and put up with things is a marvel. It\'s incredible. I think almost everyone is bett

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

044 – Selfish Gains Quickly Erode

There is nothing wrong with personal achievement. But you can’t necessarily equate your accomplishments with serving the world. And unless you’re serving the world, your successes could end up feeling very empty. In this episode of Creativity Excitement Emotion, David breaks down the three types of motives and the results one can expect from each, as well as what he learned from blink-182’s Tom DeLonge. Download the PDF Transcript Sponsors: Productivity, Performance & Profits Blackbook: Get a free copy of the “Definitive Guide to Productivity for Artists and Entrepreneurs.” Highlights: 00:17 – Deeper realizations 01:12 – Doing things for personal gain 02:20 – Selfish gains quickly crumble 03:10 – Three types of motives 06:04 – Serving the masses (what you can learn from blink-182) 07:40 – See your projects through this lens Transcript: There is something I recently found that kind of gave me pause around the whole constant “Go, go, go, push more, publish mo

Saturday, March 9, 2024

What Does ClickUp Brain Make Possible?

A few short months ago, I covered the launch of ClickUp AI. It turned out to be a godsend for helping me plan my event (I think we ended up booking the venue that the AI suggested) and brainstorming ideas for my new comedic video series...

041 – Build Another Highway

You see a highway. You decide to take it. It may be the only road you can take to get to where you want to go. But what if there was a way to build an entirely new highway? And what if that new highway ended up becoming the better opportunity? In this episode of Creativity Excitement Emotion, David shares how this analogy carries into building a successful artistic career. Sponsors: Productivity, Performance & Profits Blackbook: Get a free copy of the “Definitive Guide to Productivity for Artists and Entrepreneurs.” Highlights: 00:17 – Driving through high mountain roads 00:26 – The state of Highway 1 02:35 – Driving 50 km out of the way 02:50 – Why not build another highway? 04:03 – How this applies to building a music career 06:55 – Different ways of solving a problem Transcript: Coming soon.

040 – The Strange Double Negatives That Might be Tripping You Up

How you express yourself matters. What you say and what you don’t say are both important. In creating the life you love and in interacting with others, you must be thoughtful and deliberate in your communication. In this episode of Creativity Excitement Emotion, David shares how language can make a big difference in communication with others, setting goals, and even manifesting desires. Download the PDF Transcript Sponsors: Productivity, Performance & Profits Blackbook: Get a free copy of the “Definitive Guide to Productivity for Artists and Entrepreneurs.” Highlights: 00:17 – The difference language makes 00:45 – If we fail to express, we don’t get anything we want 01:19 – Should you go into every conversation with an agenda? 02:54 – Investing in a music industry startup 04:20 – How your brain interprets language 05:21 – “All good” vs. “No problem” 06:17 – Developing good habits 07:07 – Communication is about what others hear 07:51 – What to do w

042 – “If I Just Keep Posting…” is Not a Strategy

Chasing shiny objects and pursuing trends is human. You see one person succeed on one platform, and suddenly you start thinking to yourself, “Wait, why am I not doing THAT?” Yet most artists don’t have a plan beyond posting more content. In this episode of Creativity Excitement Emotion, David shares why posting alone won’t get you anywhere. Sponsors: Productivity, Performance & Profits Blackbook: Get a free copy of the “Definitive Guide to Productivity for Artists and Entrepreneurs.” Highlights: 00:17 – Talking to musicians about what they’re doing to market themselves 00:43 – What is your strategy? 01:03 – Where to post 01:54 – Building on rented land with a plan 02:59 – Bringing intentionality to the process Transcript: Coming soon.

043 – Adversity or Opportunity?

Things will happen in life. That’s a given. But it would be unwise to ignore the fact that some of the greatest opportunities were created in times of great adversity. In this episode of Creativity Excitement Emotion, David clears a pathway to help us discern when a specific situation is adversity or an opportunity. Sponsors: Productivity, Performance & Profits Blackbook: Get a free copy of the “Definitive Guide to Productivity for Artists and Entrepreneurs.” Highlights: 00:17 – Things you need to do but don’t necessarily want to do 01:08 – When opportunity is confronting 02:12 – Examining lack of motivation 04:50 – You are what you do 06:29 – Adversity or opportunity? Transcript: Coming soon.

Friday, March 8, 2024

People Pleasing is Robbing You of Your Destiny

Déjà vu. I am once again aboard the 10:10 to Nanaimo, the Queen of Cowichan my nighttime mistress. It’s mostly quiet aboard, and it appears there are fewer creatures of the night lurking about than last time...

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Nobody Wants You to Succeed (Not Even Your Mother)

It seems like a lifetime ago that I was aboard the Queen of Cowichan, but in calendar time it has only been a little over a month. The Queen and I have now become a little more familiar and comfortable with each other, and I like that the relationship is simple. She takes to the seas while I do some of my best writing...

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Clean Slate Debrief: Thank You, Victoria!

We wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone who showed the slightest bit of interest in this unique upstart. You’re amazing! But that’s not all… We’ve got a ton of goodies for you posted below, including photos, videos, PDFs, slides, and more. So, let’s get right to it...

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

039 – It Was Never Your Main Thing…

You may start a new project thinking it’s your main thing. But other people don’t necessarily see it that way. Not that perception is everything, but getting an outside perspective can sometimes be very enlightening. In this episode of Creativity Excitement Emotion, David shares a couple of conversations that he found very helpful. Download the PDF Transcript Sponsors: Productivity, Performance & Profits Blackbook: Get a free copy of the “Definitive Guide to Productivity for Artists and Entrepreneurs.” Highlights: 00:17 – Music Entrepreneur HQ is dying… 00:33 – A new perspective 01:24 – “You’re not fully self-expressed without music” 02:13 – “Just let me do my thing…” 03:22 – Maybe it was a side hustle after all Transcript: I recently told my mentor, “Music Entrepreneur HQ is dying.” He said, “That\'s the first time I\'ve ever heard you say that. I know you\'ve had some ups and downs and some struggles, but this is the first time I\'ve ever heard

Monday, March 4, 2024

038 – 3 Concepts I Learned from My Mentor

There are always those around us who end up having a huge impact on us. We may not realize it as it’s happening, but in retrospect, we can always see who offered a timely word that ended up helping us on our journeys. In this episode of Creativity Excitement Emotion, David shares what he learned from his mentor and how he applied it. Download the PDF Transcript Sponsors: Productivity, Performance & Profits Blackbook: Get a free copy of the “Definitive Guide to Productivity for Artists and Entrepreneurs.” Highlights: 00:17 – The people who make the greatest difference are those who you are in direct communication with 01:08 – Mess things up 02:10 – #1: Analog vs. digital 05:26 – #2: Beware of who you take advice from 09:02 – #3: Community enterprise 11:57 – Reflecting on David’s community years 12:33 – Win-win-win Transcript: Three concepts I learned from my mentor. Here is someone that I\'ve seen as one of my main mentors over the years. You can have relation

Spark Infinity: Until it Sticks with Karlo Keet

Welcome to Spark Infinity: Until it Sticks, where raw passion ignites lasting transformation. Each week, we peel back the layers of creative...