Sunday, July 30, 2023

✅ Investing in Music – with Justin Longo

Subscribe to our channel: Productivity, Performance & Profits Blackbook: What if there was an easier way for your fans, friends, and family to invest in your music? What if you could diversify your revenue streams to make your music career more sustainable and profitable? In this episode of The New Music Industry Podcast, David passes the mic with MariNation founder & CEO and friend, Justin Longo. Tune in to discover how MariNation is evolving to meet changing demands.

Music Revenue Diversification is About Becoming Aware of Your Surroundings

Discover the Productivity, Performance & Profits Blackbook: When it comes to music income streams, it’s easy to think “I’ve got to create something new, something completely unprecedented, something that’s never been done before.” The reality is all you really need to do is follow the breadcrumbs back to the source. What are successful artists and producers doing? Model that.

Friday, July 28, 2023

Stop Struggling with Your Creativity: Discover the Proven Method to Get Tangible Results!

Discover the Productivity, Performance & Profits Blackbook: People go to a job to get a paycheck. They go to the grocery store to get food. They go to the pool to get wet. So, why does it seem like it doesn’t work that way in music and creativity? Why can’t you just make something and get instant feedback and results? If you’re frustrated with your results, it’s time to try something new.

✅ 2 Secrets to Booking High-Quality Gigs

Subscribe to our channel: Productivity, Performance & Profits Blackbook: Hard to believe it was 18 years ago that David originally sat down with Christian artist Riley Armstrong for an interview at the local Starbucks. One could argue that the flower Music Entrepreneur HQ has blossomed into has a lot to do with the seeds planted in this conversation. In this video, David reflects on two key pieces of advice Armstrong shared with him on booking gigs.

This is how to get better quality gigs...

Discover the Productivity, Performance & Profits Blackbook: Want to get better quality gigs? As with most things, it’s simple, not easy. But it CAN be done. In this video, I reveal two key secrets to getting the kinds of gigs you’d be EXCITED to play.

✅ How to Get More Gigs Without Constantly Working the Phone

Subscribe to our channel: Productivity, Performance & Profits Blackbook: In 2007, David had the opportunity to interview his friend, and superb jazz guitarist, JJ Soriano. When asked how he promoted himself and booked gigs, JJ had something of special significance to say… Watch this video to learn more.

✅ Epic Milestone Achieved! | 100,000 Podcast Downloads | Thank You! ?

Subscribe to our channel: Subscribe to the podcast: Productivity, Performance & Profits Blackbook: The New Music Industry Podcast has been going strong since 2016, and we couldn’t do it without you. In this video, David personally thanks you for listening, sharing, participating, and interacting with him over the years.

Monday, July 24, 2023

5 Ways to Prioritize Music in Your Weekly Schedule - Indie Gigging

If you’re having trouble prioritizing music in your life, you’re certainly not alone… Most of us artists are well-intentioned, looking for opportunities in the margins of life to create masterpieces we can share with the world. But for some reason, it doesn’t always work out that way, does it? Well, there is a way to ensure you prioritize music in your weekly schedule, no matter how busy you think you might be. The question is… Are you willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen? If you want to find out whether you’re going to make the cut, read on…

Sunday, July 23, 2023

? Unveiling the Game-Changing Secret for Independent Musicians! See Why It Works! ?

Discover the Productivity, Performance & Profits Blackbook: When is the best time to figure out your productivity routine? Honestly, it was probably five, 10, or 15 years ago. But that doesn’t mean you can’t get started now. It’s going to require you to give up most of what you think you know about productivity practices, but the effort you put into it will be worth it. It’s time for you to level up your accomplishments!

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

5 questions I ask to prepare for a different kind of gig | Bandzoogle Blog

No matter what instrument you play, no matter what style you sing, you may, on occasion, be called upon to play a different kind of gig. For example, if you’re a singer-songwriter, you may be asked to play in a punk rock band. If you’re a jazz pianist, you might be asked to play a few country gigs on the road. You can turn down such offers, of course. Personally, though, I’ve always seen these as opportunities to stretch my capacity as a player. Starting from scratch or reinventing the wheel is undesirable when preparing for such gigs, though, especially if you have a tight deadline to meet. So, here are some questions to guide your preparation...

Unlocking the Secret Recipe for Musical Success: Finally A Winning Formula!

Discover the Productivity, Performance & Profits Blackbook: Although we tend to focus on our failures, we’ve all had successes in our past. Take a moment and think about the things you did do well. Think about the times you accomplished something great. Think about the times you raised your arms in celebration of victory. Now think about what you’re doing now. Are you doing the same things you did to get the successes you got in the past, or have you strayed from the formula? If you want to continue to be successful in life, you’ve got to tune into the formula and keep the recipe consistent!

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Time is all you’ve got – don’t waste it!

Discover the Productivity, Performance & Profits Blackbook: Your most valuable resource is your time. That means how you spend your time is one of the most important things you could be thinking about. On a daily basis, if you don’t have a plan for how you’re going to use the time available to you, you will end up wasting time by default. What steps will you be taking to ensure you’re making the most of the resources available?

Friday, July 7, 2023

Saturday, July 1, 2023

✅ Productivity, Performance & Profits Blackbook

Subscribe to our channel: Productivity, Performance & Profits Blackbook: So, you probably heard about it. But you may have asked yourself what it’s about and why you should care. At Music Entrepreneur HQ, we have the “getting it together,” “getting it done,” and “getting it out there” tracks, and this new work covers almost everything you could possibly want to know about “getting it done,” which can contribute greatly to knocking down the dominos of “getting it together” and “getting it out there.” In this episode of The New Music Industry Podcast, David shares candidly about the Productivity, Performance & Profits Blackbook.

? A Month of Incredible Voices: Celebrating Past & Future Guests! ✨

Going LIVE to thank last week\'s amazing guests and reveal our PACKED March lineup! From music executives to wellness experts, poets to ...